Users review: Matt Damon stars in the sci-fi / political thriller Elysium, Neill Blomkamps OPF RECENT lgning District 9, and Jodie Foster K & ograve; my secretions Elysian & amp; aelig; & Egrave; Delacourt and Sharlto Copley k & ograve; my main villain Kruger. & Egrave; Are Elysium p & amp; aring; level and Oscar nominee District 9? Absolutely not! Not even T & amp; aelig, t p & amp; aring ;, but it's still a solid entertainment sci / fi. It is a film more convention & egrave; passing predeses & egrave; his & amp; aelig; rods, which I did not expect in the upcoming film Blomkamp.The & ograve; start with tr & egrave; Cliches & amp; & Egrave; akut ;? and gave me k & egrave; who roll eyes moment RECENT past, but it would quickly pick & egrave; did it up in the n & amp; aring; in medium & ograve; k & amp; aring; authorities. The m & amp; aring; these are of g in & egrave; denies the years this is by evoking political message through arts & egrave; from the film in important & ograve; tans in today's society. RECENT rgsm Q & amp; aring; lstegn by our h & amp; aring; handling of immigration, military & egrave; & Amp; aelig, s power, our Healthcare & amp; & Amp; aelig; delayed. Q & ograve; mine I found the V & amp; aelig; 're Important & ograve; time in this movie. Like- & egrave; Leman me share one with him and Blomkamp & ograve; did in political positions. For all his & ograve; others, it may seem like the costs of its recent reserve & egrave; v small & amp; aelig; select message.I its most f & f felt RECENT ograve; The cur & egrave; were lots of s & egrave; life with them. Character & egrave; Jodie Foster's tees & egrave; Leman na have much to work with & egrave; k them. He just has to move to the plot forward. Matt Damon's & egrave; Views & f ograve; mine it & amp; aring; like lead, but p & amp; aring; there is no m & amp; aring; those of the imagination, this is one of the best pr & amp; aelig him; stations. They were all overshadowed by Sharlto Copley. My God, it is great working & ograve; Kruger me! H & V RECENT jr amp; aelig k we establishement res recent in this provocative-sociopath with no regard for human life. History & tees egrave; Leman need this kind character of & egrave; ominous. It is by far the best film positive. A & ograve him; did asp & egrave; negative of this film should V & amp; aelig; 're pacing him. N & amp; aring; whenever we f & amp; aring; & Egrave; RECENT lelsesm f & amp; aelig; S & egrave; â ssige, do not stay L & amp; aelig, long enough to moguls & amp; aelig; Sip & ograve; was t & egrave; did and expulsion to this f RECENT lelsesm & amp; aelig; ssige impact you had h & amp; aring; bet for.Like District 9 freeing p & amp; aring; imagery b & egrave; him. S & egrave; lifestyles and better at Weta Workshop was offered. From large weapons to humanoid robots in space station Elysium. Pieces stocks was just S & amp; aring; sp & amp; aelig; intriguing k & ograve; my predeses & egrave; his & amp; aelig; fw & egrave; did. The film tees & egrave; Leman quality & amp; favorite and least takes all p & egrave budgets; his & amp; aring; SCS & amp; aelig; screens. My St RECENT problems & egrave; my biggest out of the use of tw & ograve; shaky cam p. He used his & egrave; Character & egrave; were just G & amp; aring; action sequences. I f RECENT felt ninety percent of this film was shaky cam. That was f & egrave; me a little t & egrave; did turn it & egrave; I unfort & amp; aelig; wipe got to sit in the very front of the theater. It might have something to go there and what RECENT well.Neill Blomkamp establishes another & ograve; did once again & ograve; that it can f & egrave; compete with the best direkt & egrave; driving the recent genre films. Elysium show more er & egrave; than f RECENT his film debut, but monitors & egrave; & Amp; aelig; obsolete in asp & egrave; positive, for me at least. It was not a disappointment, and it was a fun p & ograve; PCD & ograve; â stronger and smarter than the film & exp egrave; â Sci / Fi.
| Language: Eng Runtime: 109 min Audio: 5.1 Frame Rate: 29.9 fps Video Bitrate: 2924 Kb/sec Audio Bitrate: 256 kbps |