Users review: After watching this film, I was out of supèrlatif describes shine. First, a word about Matthew McConaughey. Always think of it as a lightweight relative in the world of film, stars in sexy best designed to sell tickets and little else. I'm pleased to report I made error. Unfortunately, most many do error. From the first frame of the movie amazing, I was so impressed with his physical transformation it took only half an hour to adjust their eyes to the fragile beast, I saw before me. But it was real, so as stellar performance it both lit the way I look at the AIDS epidemic and the toll it takes humanity, both gay and heterosexual . Chances film This avoids cliché all before? S and typical term treatment, transcending other films that I have seen in relation to HIV / AIDS. For a long time I criticized the lack of serious big movie for adults, and now seems designed to pre-pubescent adolescent children into nothing more exciting than video games and mindless idiots Suites superhero. As with many memorable independent films, this gem was higher in status and performance of the incredible heroes of McConaughey, along with incredible bubble Leto, provides perfect counterpoint The reading, the role that perfect character-driven. Each, one reason that to go to the movies are in the truth and glory of humanity party effort this, a must-see for acting superior in profusion. If there is a God in heaven, Matthew and bust both should win the Oscar for best performance by a leading role and Best supporting actor. Each actor goes far beyond performance only in this film, thus making totally immersed in characters who stopped acting and just come. Do not miss this moving and important film.
| Language: English Runtime: 117 min Audio: 5.1 Frame Rate: 23.9 fps Video Bitrate: 5228 Kb/sec Audio Bitrate: 384 kbps |