Users review: I love the original movies, probably mainly Anh. If you have seen the original version, which had a theatrical experience like no other. Just werent films like this are produced. Of course, it is relying on the past movies and books, but nothing looked or how this.You have to remind the world that we live in time. Video games are very primitive. Although the asteroid was several years in our future. And 2001 was one of the few films show us convince the premises travel.STAR Wars something new N with a large audience loved it. And it changed movies.By 1999 We have seen many sci-fi films, many space battles, lots of special effects. And video games have been developed realism, which was shocking compared with that we had 1977.Enter The Phantom Menace. Not only is this film does not height memories of the original, there was also competition in the world of entertainment that caught. Lucas could never create a mind blowing experience when he was in original.But should try. And he would also try to do some other various things. The relationship of this new thinking was Jar Jar Binks. Creating CGI was also character. A type of characters ever seen in the universe SW, comedy characters. But more than that, burlesque Comedian landscape character.In most films STAR WARS inspired ago these characters. Lucas and wanted to try one of his films.Well, for the most part, he failed. Many, or even most vocal hated Jar Jar Binks. And some of these people is assigned try something new. Lucas wanted Star Wars. They wanted their STAR WARS. A STAR WARS, it is important realize that exists only in their most minds.In decided on a little boy Anakin. Other new decision. STAR WARS never presented boy character. Again, fans groaned. They do not like him. Lucas did not want to try new things.But it also gave them come to expect. True, a large Action set-room: under the plant. One of the best events the pieces throughout the series. And gave them a lightsaber duel as not theyd ever seen. But it was not enough.Sadly, Lucas made a film that was little more than a remake of Star Wars with Anakin in the role of Luke, fans were happy. And I think that says more limited range of Star Wars fans who Hidden talents of George Lucas.THE threat, as well as all the movies in the series, has own tone and unique taste. And if not all of these flavors, I think in the next years to come increasingly come fan this movie for what it is rather than what they want it to be.
| Language: English Runtime: 136 min Audio: Dual Audio Frame Rate: 29.9 fps Video Bitrate: 2924 Kb/sec Audio Bitrate: 384 kbps |